August 23, 2011


Today was a day of cliffs. Lots and lots of cliffs. Steep slopes between ridges and valleys and more ridges and valleys. The monkeys had it easy today. The moneros, not so much.

I was reminded of the mac gym today as I treadmilled my way up the steep slopes. I stepped up and up and up but just went down as the ground slipped away beneath me. I had to test each step before I took it to make sure it wouldn't crumble away beneath my weight, sending me careening into thorny vine tangles 5 meters below. I couldn't even trust the rocks- those were the treacherous bits, the bits you thought were solid and safe until a 10 pound chunk comes off at the first touch of your hand.

As terrifying as that was, I got an awesome adrenalin rush as I finished each up or down (the downs were way harder than the ups). I made it! Mostly intact! Still sort of with the monkeys!

Today wasn't a great day for monkey viewing since it was so steep and viney, but my quads and gluts are going to look great.

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